Hazard Zones and Line Education, I-PEX's Unique System to Promote Occupational Health and Safety, and Achieve Zero Occupational Accidents

Jan. 29, 2025

Hazard zone (Red) at PT IPEX Indonesia Inc (Bintan, Indonesia) Hazard zone (Red) at PT IPEX Indonesia Inc (Bintan, Indonesia)

Among the occupational health and safety activities promoted by the I-PEX Group, we would like to introduce I-PEX's unique Hazard Zones and Line Education system, aimed at achieving zero occupational accidents.

I-PEX’s Occupational Health and Safety Activities

Occupational health and safety activities are critical not only in the professional lives of employees, but also in corporate activities. It is our responsibility as a company to provide a safe and healthy working environment for everyone involved in our business, including employees and subcontractors.

At the same time, providing education in all our workplaces is essential to ensure that employees fully understand the potential hazards in their environment and the measures they can take to protect themselves from those risks. We believe that a high level of awareness of occupational health and safety initiatives among employees is the first step toward achieving zero occupational accidents and we actively promote group-wide efforts to raise this awareness. In addition to our general occupational health and safety education program, we also provide a specific in-house training for employees who work in areas where potential hazards exist.

Hazard Zones and Line Education, I-PEX’s unique system for visualizing potential hazards and learning about their risks and proper countermeasures

Manufacturing sites involve a variety of equipment and production lines that can lead to serious injuries if not handled properly.

In 2005, an occupational accident in one of our factories prompted us to establish an internal health and safety program. We launched our education program in 2006 along with an in-house safety manual and our unique system of hazard zones and line education.

The table below shows the equipment involved and the potential dangers for each line color to help visualize the hazard zones. Only employees who have received the appropriate line training and have been certified are allowed to enter and work within each hazard zone (inside the line).

Involved equipment and potential hazards by line color in hazard zones


Line color

Potentially hazardous equipment Potential hazards
  • Injection molding machines
  • Press machines
  • Severe burns
  • Hand injuries
  • Eye injuries
  • Automatic assembly machines
  • Plating lines
  • Burns
  • Eye injuries
  • Chemical handling
  • Machine tools
  • Cuts
  • Flammable materials

Hazard Zones

We have established hazard zones, areas where specific hazards exist in our facilities, through colored tape on the floor to help employees visualize the dangers.

Hazard zones (Red and Yellow) at Tachiarai Plant (Chikuzen Town, Asakura District, Fukuoka Prefecture) Hazard zones (Red and Yellow) at Tachiarai Plant (Chikuzen Town, Asakura District, Fukuoka Prefecture)
Hazard zone (Blue) at Ogori Plant (Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture) Hazard zone (Blue) at Ogori Plant (Ogori City, Fukuoka Prefecture)

Line Education

To ensure that employees fully understand the risk in each hazard zone, we provide line education that teaches the dangers to be expected for each line color (Red, Yellow, and Blue) and how to stay safe in the hazard zones.

In addition, certified employees wear a ribbon of the same color as the corresponding line on their hats so that others around them can see that they are certified to work in the hazard zone.
After being certified in line education for each specific hazard zone, employees receive colored ribbons corresponding to the training received. Only employees wearing a hat with the specific-colored ribbon are allowed to enter and work in the corresponding hazard zone. After being certified in line education for each
specific hazard zone, employees receive colored ribbons
corresponding to the training received. Only employees
wearing a hat with the specific-colored ribbon are
allowed to enter and work in the corresponding hazard zone.

Line education is not only for employees who operate the equipment. Employees who need to pass through or near hazard zone also receive specific training to ensure that everyone has the knowledge they need to perform their daily tasks safely.

A unique system for promoting occupational health and safety activities within the I-PEX Group

Hazard zone and line education not only help to prevent injuries and accidents. This system also provides an opportunity for each employee to renew their awareness of occupational health and safety in their daily tasks and promotes health and safety initiatives within our Group.