Jun. 21, 2024
On June 21, 2024, I-PEX Inc. published its Integrated Report for the fiscal year 2024.
The purpose of the report is to provide shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders with an easy-to-understand introduction to the I-PEX Group's business activities, medium- to long-term management strategies, and ESG initiatives, and to deepen their understanding of our story of achieving sustainable growth and value creation.
This year, in the “Value Creation Process,” which systematizes how we will create value for our customers and society through our mid- to long-term management strategy “I-PEX Vision 2030,” we have clarified the link between the capital to be strengthened and the six materialities (important issues), and we will report on the progress of activities related to each materiality. The report also shows the progress of activities related to each materiality.
We will continue to promote constructive dialogue with our stakeholders and further enhance our corporate value through a variety of information dissemination.