Security Export Control

Security Export Control is one of the means to maintain international peace and security by avoiding the transfer of arms, military-usable cargo, and technology to countries developing weapons of mass destruction or terrorist groups.

The I-PEX Group is committed to Security Export Control for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security. In addition, the Company has established the Security Export Control Regulations to ensure appropriate implementation of Security Export Control.

Export Control Policy

  1. 1.We will screen transactions that may be used for the development of nuclear weapons or for military purposes, and will not engage in transactions that raise concerns.
  2. 2.We will comply with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act and its related laws and regulations, as well as export control laws and regulations which are applicable to the countries and regions in which we operate.
  3. 3.Based on policies 1 and 2 above, we will designate a person responsible for Security Export Control and establish an export control system in order to implement export control appropriately and smoothly.

Security Export Control System

Security Export Control Chart

The Security Export Control Regulations outline each role.

Export control training and instruction

We systematically train our officers and employees to ensure that they understand the importance of compliance with the latest Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, related laws and regulations as well as Security Export Control Regulations to ensure that they are implemented..