Occupational Health and Safety

The I-PEX Group and its employees recognize that providing safe and high quality products and services is our social mission and responsibility. We will thoroughly develop, design and manufacture products from our customers' point of view, with safety as our highest priority, while improving and expanding a safe and comfortable work environment.

Action Guideline for Safety

  1. 1.We believe that considering safety in all stages of production (from development and design to manufacturing of products) is our highest priority, and we ensure that all our employees are thoroughly aware of the need to ensure safety.
  2. 2.We will ensure transparency of information among our employees for early detection and prompt elimination of hazards.
  3. 3.Believing that the provision of safe and high quality products and services to customers is the result of a safe and comfortable work environment, we strive to prevent occupational accidents and maintain the health of our employees by complying with the relevant laws and creating workplaces where the safety and hygienic are considered .
  4. 4.To promote safety and accident-free operations as part of our social responsibility, we have established internal safety regulations. We continuously promote the awareness of "Safety First" through regular safety patrol, a suggestion system for improving the work environment, and the development and updating of safety manuals.
  5. 5.We recognize that safety and no accident are the root of happiness for our employees and their families. We strive to ensure the safety of our employees not only on premises, but also during their commute by complying with traffic laws and regulations.

Revised on August 1, 2020
I-PEX Inc.
Takaharu Tsuchiyama

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Basic Policy

To create a safe, healthy and comfortable work environment for people working in the company, we will promote open occupational health and safety activities and make continuous improvements, aiming for “zero occupational accidents,” “zero fires,” and “zero traffic accidents.”


We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for those who work within our premises.
We will make effective use of occupational health and safety management system to prevent injuries and illnesses and promote continuous improvement with a focus on health.

1. Operation and continuous improvement of the occupational health and safety management system

We establish and operate an effective occupational health and safety management system.
We periodically review and improve the health and safety objectives.

2. Implementation of initiatives to reduce the occupational health and safety risks

We consider the health and safety first when planning production and determining work content to prevent any injury or illness.
We eliminate hazardous behaviours and reduce occupational health and safety risks through inspections, audits and improvements.

3. Compliance with laws, regulations and other requirements

We comply with laws, codes of conduct or customer requirements related to occupational health and safety.

4. Employees consultation and participation

We establish a system through which employees can participate in discussions and activities related to occupational health and safety.

5. Occupational health and safety training and awareness activities

We document the occupational health and safety policy, communicate its contents to all employees and make them widely available.
We educate, train and motivate employees to carry out activities in a safe and responsible manner.

6. Promotion of occupational health and safety activities in the supply chain

We advise and encourage all suppliers (business partners) to adopt the above health and safety management system in their own business activities.

Revised on February 13, 2024
I-PEX Inc.
Koji Saito
Executive Officer & Director of the General Affairs Division, ISO45001 Top Management

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