Error message

  • User error: "attributes" is an invalid render array key in Drupal\Core\Render\Element::children() (line 97 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Element.php).
  • User error: "attributes" is an invalid render array key in Drupal\Core\Render\Element::children() (line 97 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Element.php).

Molded parts

We supply molded products for automobiles, including the various sensors that are equipped in automobiles. With the wealth of technological capabilities we have cultivated in the automotive parts industry for many years, and through our stable production and supply capabilities, we can meet a wide range of needs.

Case1: Angle sensor

Sensors which detect the rotation angle and speed of an engine's crank and cams Measuring the rotation angle and speed makes it possible to control ignition timing and fuel injection, which will in tum improve MPG and reduce CO2 emissions.

Case 2: Speed sensor

A sensor which detects the rotation speed of the wheel. These kinds of sensors a「e used in anti-lock braking systems [ABSs], which use electronic control to prevent wheels from locking during sudden braking. They need to be highly reliable in severe specification environments.

Case 3: Pressure sensor

A sensrr which detects the manifold pressure when the engine takes in air. These kinds of sensor improve MPG and reduce CO2 emissions. by calculating the air flow based on the pressure and applying the corresponding  optimum fuel injection.

Case 4: Smart entry key

A smart entry key we have co-developed with a leading manufacturer of automotive components. This product makes full use of our semiconductor molding and mass production technologies, and features high flex resistance and waterproof properties.